Nordic Brain was a project-oriented organization in the field of welfare technology 2009-2018. Nordic Brain's, purpose was helping clients develop, produce and take ownership of projects. Projects come in all shapes and tend to be unique, and of a limited duration.

The company worked for various municipalities and their social services departments, and operated as the private partner (SME) in Public-Private-Partnerships. The company had five employees, it-support, it-coaches, and back office functions.

Nordic Brain used its extensive experience of methods to use art and digital technology as driver for change.

The biggest succes was The Brain Lounge (Hjerneloungen) a designated area for using digital technology, in order to stimulate cognitive health, implemented in 75 Danish nursing homes and community centres in the greater Copenhagen and surrounding municipalities, for people more than 65 years old. 


The Brain Lounge had a series of games that were designed to the target group. The games were on-line running on their website as a Flash platform, and they have been discontinued since 2020, when Flash stopped being supported.